Thursday, November 29, 2007


A friend of mine on the spacethatshallnotbementioned, Robin, recently wrote a blog asking people why Christian fundamentalists automatically assumed she was "anti-christian" when she landed a little to the left in a political discussion. Robin is a very kind-hearted lady, and over time I've gained a good deal of respect for her compassionate nature and wise demeanor. The blog can be found here.

In answer to her question, I posted the following response:

I am no Christian, but I am very familiar with Christian teachings, being a reformed born-again.

The same book wherein Jesus cautions people not to judge, he also commands his disciples not to cast their pearls before swine, and also commands them to shake off the very dust from their feet when leaving a town where the gospel is not accepted. Paul instructs Christians to test the spirits to see whether they are from God, and only allow those spirits which proclaim Jesus as Lord to remain. Paul also admonishes the Churches to purge out evildoers, including homosexuals, from amongst their midst.

That very scripture you quoted, "Thou shalt not kill", is a mistranslation, which is translated in every other version than the KJV as "Do not commit murder", or something to that effect.

Born-again, Bible-believing Christians would immediately doubt your faith based upon your description of it, as you in no way declared Jesus as Lord, nor did you say you had given your heart to Lord Jesus, or had been given new life through the Blood of the Lamb. You failed the test of the spirits...

Mind you, I don't believe any of this drivel, I only convey that which I know to be true of these people from my own experience. Ten years ago I would have thought your soul was in mortal danger, I assure you. You didn't pass the test in this blog, or in any of your others. I just don't see visual evidence that you've given your life wholly and completely to Christ. You aren't spewing Scriptures constantly, and using your blog as a tool to bring souls to the Lord. They are, after all, on their way to eternal damnation. What can be more important than that?

Many things considered to be hallmarks of an open, liberal mind are in their eyes sinful works of Satan, and anyone, as the Scriptures say, "who is not for us is against us". How's that for a leap in logic?

Her response indicated that she understood, as it opened with the following:

I understand your comment completely. My own sister is one of the folks you are describing here... no matter how I believe, what I do with my life, how I conduct myself, she's told me I'm working for Satan, I'm his tool, I'm evil. I'm not her 'type' of Christian. I find that sad.

I thought it was a good exchange.

I received a private message from some whackjob on thatotherspace named Christians Unite, and at first, I thought I had a reformed born-again on my hands:

A MILLION Kudos to you!!! Very well said!

I then clicked on his profile, and my jaw dropped. I looked through his blog, and the latest one at the time was nothing more than a quote from Charles Stanley. Then I read his blog post here:

Edit: The post has since been removed

I just read a blog and it brought tears to my eyes. It also made my stomach turn. The blog title was: Liberalism = Anti-Christianity??
Sitting here reading the blog itself and then all the comments that went flying back and forth...I wanted to cry. I have no idea what to say here, I am speechless.
Here is a copy of the blog I read:

(here he pasted the entire blog, WITH comments)

Then at the bottom, the tour de force this entire blog framed, him completely missing the point of my post:

I know it's hard to follow since I didn't quote every single reply, but can you see where all of this saddened me.
I have read many of this persons blogs. They scare me with many of the things that they write about and complain about. The messages that they send...... I liked the one quote from one of the replies to her blog: "You aren't using your blog as a tool to bring souls to the Lord. They are, after all, on their way to eternal damnation. What can be more important than that"? My thoughts exactly. I applaud this person for having the strength and courage to say that to this person. If I would have said it, my faith and beliefs would have been thrown back in my face.

It just amazed me, the banter back and forth and all that energy wasted that could have gone towards spreading Gods word and saving possibly one persons soul.

What do all of you think? Was this blog scarey (sic) to you as well or am I looking at it all wrong? Did I possibly take it personally since I know the original blogger?

Wow... just, wow...

I had to write this reply to his message, and I felt like sharing for posterity:

When I wrote those words, I didn't expect a Christian fundamentalist to give me kudos, but in retrospect, I suppose I should have. I take it you care not what mouthpiece your message takes, as long as it is communicated. As you said, were you to say what I said, your message wouldn't have been heard at all. For that, I suppose you're welcome.

On the other hand, it makes me sad that such a message of fear would be applauded at all. Simple people are usually satisfied with pat answers, and are always more comfortable with black and white boundaries offered by fear based faith. Perhaps you should rather be questioning the justice presented by your scenario: that an all-powerful being by definition is responsible for all that is:

Isaiah 45:7
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

John 1:1-3
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

Revelation 4:11
Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.

You'll find many of your scriptures that proclaim the omnipotent nature of your God, and ascribe to your God the creation of all that is, and the foreknowledge of all of us, and all that we do. Who can thwart the will of God? NO ONE, or he can no longer omnipotent.

Why then, can you say it is reasonable or just, that this being can likewise commit to eternal fiery damnation a creature he created exactly as they are, who can not do anything to thwart his will? And likewise, an eternal punishment for a "crime" committed in finite time? Where is there justice in any of this? How does this make any sense? Does he not "harden men's hearts" by your scriptures so that they can not hear the truth? Also, by your scriptures, is not the saving faith by God's grace alone, and not anything to do with the one saved, "lest any man should boast"? Our crime, by his own admission then, is his responsibility, and yet you say it is we who must pay this eternal price. There is no justice in this. Even a five year old could tell you that.

To you, sir, I say "kwatz". Release your fears, and unfettered by those fears, use the intelligence you possess to look around you, think for yourself, and come to your own conclusions apart from any preconceived notions. Have you nothing better to do than read old dead men's words, roll them around in your mouth, and then spew them back out as if you were a dog eating dung? This behavior is beneath you, my friend. Your time here is a precious gift, and you'd rather waste your time between the eternities in fear of a tyrannical god-being created in the image of old patriarchal slavers and murderers than reach out and connect to the world around you. Your scriptures teach you that the world is now cursed and broken. I assure you, the only thing broken is your own understanding of it.

Some people's children... you don't need a license to think, people. You really don't.


Anonymous said...

Wow- that was a lot to read. I stay away from this subject because it's usually useless to convince the thumpers of anything sensical, starting with the commandment to love one another.

But I also don't worry about them either because I believe our souls are endless so I know when they die they'll just return to wherever and say, "OH YEAH!! I remember now. Golly gee-- I sure did miss the point that time didn't I?"

Anonymous said...

Why is it most Christians aren't?

I find it very humorous that the OP understood what you wanted to get across -- that the stance of left = unChristian was in and of itself unChristian -- and yet nobody else seems to have, especially the rabid fundamentalist. When they are issued their beliefs, do they also have to turn in their brain?

-- krenshala

Her Roo-ness said...

and again....
i ask these people...where is the Christ in your thinking?

i am considered so liberal...that i get in trouble teaching not only 8th grade, but the college classes i teach. i don't want to label myself this way. i am what i am.

but still. am I now not a follower of Christ's teachings? and didn't he say that someone else can't decided/judge that for me?

im just saying, man....

real kudos to you.

Anonymous said...

Thank You John!

"Christians Unite" is my sister. I'm truly sorry that contributing to my blog caused you to have to deal with this.

I'm glad you let me know, as I don't go to her blog. She won't communicate with me directly.

I think my friends and readers should know that I don't attack anyone's beliefs, all I ask is mutual respect.

Again, thank you for your kind words and understanding the nature and purpose of my blog.

Love & Hugs :)

Lopus said...

Thanks for dropping by, Robin. That's a very interesting bit of info you've unveiled. Now I almost feel bad for being so blunt with her... nah... It's just how I am.

You're not missing much by not reading her blog. It's the same trite testimonial shit you can read on any rabidly religious, close-minded website. If you're not Christian, to these kinds of folks you aren't even really human. They're "not of this world", and therefore don't give a rat's ass about anything in this world but "saving people".

It's absolutely fascinating to me. Thanks for being understanding about my treatment of the subject, as I know you and others who've commented consider yourselves Christians. The difference: you guys employ some critical thinking in your dealings with the world around you, and treat other people with respect. Thanks for not checking your brains in at the door!

Anonymous said...

It's difficult to deal with anyone, family especially, who believe the works of the Bible in such extremes.
Recently, I told my mother, a devout christian all of her life, that the reason she couldn't "drag me back into church for a million dollars", was because i enjoy not living in fear of pissing a god off.

oh! the look on her face! I hated to crush her hopes, but it was past time to let her know that there IS something other than church. She doesn't consider me a "bad" person. But i'm sure "i'll go to hell" anyways, according to her.

Remember the two mormons who never made it to their mission because of your defense? I'll never forget those meetings.