An update for the interested, whoever you may be. This will be the last post I will dedicate to this unless I hear from people who want to know more.
I received a reply from my Christian friend (I discovered is a 41 year old woman), who is now weeping for my soul. I suppose I could expect no less. The following wall of text may be tedious, but at least I am fair to post it in its entirety:
I guess I should have been a little clearer, the kudos were for the fact that someone had come right out and told THAT blogger what they needed to hear about themselves. They sit there and spat off peace and love and morals and no one should label people, yet that is all that blogger does, they spout their words out and claim it's just their opinion, yet they don't even go by what they say. What that person reprimands others for doing, they sit and do that very thing.
God gives each of us a free will to make a choice whether to accept His free gift of salvation or to chose eternal damnation. He loves "everyone" and it breaks His heart when someone chooses not to accept His gift. He does not want to see anyone parish, we decide that for ouselves. (sic) By giving us free will, that means we can choose to love Him or choose not to. He will NEVER force us into loving Him, it is our choice.
Justice....He is a fair and just God. Those that follow Him will be greatly rewarded, those that go around doing whatever they want, hurting whomever they want, they will be punished. He is our heavenly Father, just like an earthly father loves his children and tries to bring them up in the right way, he punishes them and disciplines them...same as our heavenly Father does to us. Everything we do on this earth will be tested by fire, whether good or bad, everyone will get what they deserve in the end by our own doing.
The only thing I fear is confrontation, that is an area in my life that my Lord is working on in my life. As long as I trust in Him and leave ALL the consequences to Him, what do I have to fear. What can man do to me. We are all a work in progress, He is the potter and I am the clay. I have no need to fear the Lord, He is my strength, my provider, my Father, my Savior, MY EVERYTHING.
The Bible is His instruction manual on how to live and how to treat others. His word is like dainty morsels that feeds my soul. I don't follow or listen to no other but HIM!!! I praise Him and thank Him for all that he does and will do and for ALL that HE IS!! I feel sorry and take pity on those who chose to walk away from Him and live their life here on earth and their life in the here after separated from Him....THEY are the FOOLS!!! He doesn't want to see anyone parish, why do you think our job on earth then is to win souls.
I am a child of God therefore I am not of THIS WORLD so why would I want to do, say or be like anyone or anything of this world. I am just passing through. I was put here to proclaim the gospel and get His message out to all the people that I can, and to do so in a godly way.
You sir sadden me. You may be able to sit and spat out scripture and quote it, but you have no clue what it is even saying. It's one thing to copy it from the good book, but it is something else to live it. Yes, actions do speak louder than words, but yet both go hand in hand. One is NOTHING without the other.
God created each and everyone of us for a purpose, to proclaim His word and share it with all to win the lost souls. Lost souls are those that have been conformed to this world. I sir am happy and pleased to say I am not of this world....I am more than ready to be taken home whenever He is ready to take me. That won't happen until my work on this planet is done. He put breathe into our bodies and He can take it away any time He wants. I have nothing to fear on Judgment Day.....do you? That is when justice will be served.
You sir......"have failed the test".
I feel sorry for you, I weep over your soul, the same as our Father weeps over your soul. I will be praying for you.
I love the appeal to my sense of mortality near the end. I also love the fact that the intellectual challenge I issued in my previous message was completely avoided. I responded rather quickly with this (I do mean quickly, so please forgive the poor quality):
Very interesting. You claim that I can spout out scripture without knowing what it means, and yet it is readily apparent that you haven't even read the book thoroughly yourself. Your arguments are circular, your conclusions erroneous, and you pass judgement on my "spiritual condition" without having any clue as to how to measure such a condition.
You claim your God loves everyone, and yet cite not the evidence wherein you find evidence for this claim. Is it in your heart? That is far from objective, dear lady, and I assure you any logic based upon your subjective experience is circular and fallacious.
Is your evidence found in the Scripture? In passage after passage you will see contrary evidence, where God gives people over to a reprobate mind, God stops people's ears so that they can't hear the truth, God chooses to hate one while loving the other. God then chooses to give faith to some, and stands in the way of others. He confounds the wise, so that he alone can be glorified. He kills innocent children of other nations to prove that he is God after hardening their leader's heart so he could do so (Egyptian infanticide, anyone?). He commands Saul to put every Amalekite to the sword because of what their distant ancestors did to the Isrealites when they came out of Egypt. The God of the Bible is no respecter of persons, and is represented as one of the most maniacal tyrants ever portrayed. God is omnipotent, nothing we can do will bridge the gap between God and man, other than God himself.
To create a man in "sin", only quicken those whom he loves beforehand with the faith to save themselves, and then consign all the others (who never asked to be created in the first place) to eternal torture for something they had no power to change in the first place? Are you responsible for your salvation, or is God? Choose your words carefully, as that faith you now possess is of God or it is of you. (Hint, read Ephesians Ch. 2) We are by nature (through Pauline doctrine) children of wrath, wretched, and incapable of having faith in God, and it is by His will alone that faith is stirred in some and not in others.
This is all rubbish. You yourself according to Christian doctrine are worthy of being punished, but luckily, God chose to turn a blind eye to your sinful nature and give you faith. Read your book. Better yet, read it here:
Even now, you spout your doctrine of fear:
"I have nothing to fear on Judgment Day.....do you? That is when justice will be served."
Attempting to appeal to my supposed sense of guilt? I am who I am. Rather than bless and praise my "creator" for making me what I am, and for giving me the ability to think for myself and the desire and need to come to my own conclusions, you curse me for it and judge me "damned". Think for yourself instead of spouting rhetoric, for Pete's sake. I realize that my appeals to your reason are completely pointless, as when one comes to a conclusion, that is the very moment one's reasoning stops. You've come to your simplistic conclusions long ago, it would seem. Even now you conclude I am a devil, as commanded by your scripture. So predictable.
Your black and white answers fail in the real world. Just ask the Amalekites. Oh wait. There aren't any to ask.
I should send her a link to my blog. Maybe she'll come by and say hello.
Edit:I ended up getting blocked for the invite. Apparently, she enjoys being a whackjob!
This is commander turkey, signing off!